Thursday, February 14, 2013

20 Speech Topics

1. Life as a student
2. Women in politics
3. The benefits of exercising
4. The life cycle of frog/butterfly
5. What you should know about PTSD (Post
    Traumatic Stress Disorder)
6. Impact of social networks in our daily life
7. Human migration on Mars
8. The negative effects on children from violence in
    the media
9. The link between the fast food industry and
    increased obesity rates in America
10. Ways to manage stress
11. Gun Control: Good or Bad?
12. The Green Movement: Solutions for sustainability
      of the planet
13. The Big Bang Theory: Origination of the Universe
      or Not?
14. The importance and benefits of recycycling
15. Beauty is only skin deep: How has the definition
     of beauty evolved through the years
16. World fashion: What's in? What's out?
17. Why is reading important
18. Robots are going to take over the world
19. The importance of higher education
20. We should teach magic to children in schools

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